
Overview of Topics

The Roadmap of Strategic Harmony

Overview of Topics

Strategies and Tools to Make Your Business Success Greater

Pillars of Kotler Business School


The “Immersion” pillar aims to provide you with some up-to-date knowledge on essential skills such as business communication, strategeic leadership, and marketing.


The “Inception” pillar if related to providing an introduction to the future of marketing and the way I see it – it í all about where we are and where we want to go.


The “Innovation” phase will lead you through a more creative and innovative space where you will learn about creative entrepreneurship or how to improve personal efficiency.


This phase is a collection of different topics where you are free to select some of them based on your “inspiration” and what could be interesting for your personal growth and development.

Centers of Excellence

Philip Kotler

Center of Marketing Excellence
Father of Modern Marketing

Peter Drucker

Center of Management Excellence
Inventor Of Modern Management

Al Ries

Center of Positioning Excellence
Pioneer of Positioning

David Aaker

Center of Branding Excellence
Father of Modern Branding

What You Will Get

Exclusive Content

You will benefit from exclusive video content from world-renowned keynote speakers.

Experiential Learning

You will learn through reflection on doing by working on real cases.


Online Kotler MBA fits with the busy schedule of working professionals by providing a flexible study structure.


You will learn from the best in the field and get access to an important knowledge base through our internationally renowned lecturers.


Networking opportunities with fellow candidates, lecturers, and our impressive guest speakers.

C-Level Career

You will learn to apply novel, innovative, and creative solutions to complex business problems leading to a C-level career.


You will be fully supported by our student advisors.

Premium Knowledge

In-depth knowledge on the latest marketing and business topics.

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